What is Social Style?
People are supposed to work well together. Companies are supposed to be teams. However, that doesn't always happen. Often it’s not that people don’t want to work together effectively, it’s simply that they don’t know how they come across to others, and how their style affects the relationship. Learning about Social Styles can help you to be more successful with others.
75% of Others are NOT Like You
Perhaps you have never thought about it, but seventy-five percent of people are NOT like you! Your success depends largely on your ability to deal with other people, and especially people unlike yourself. Social Style training helps you to understand your unique style.
Social Style training helps you to leverage your style strengths and minimize your weaknesses. Understanding Social Style can help you to assess behaviors and then use that knowledge to produce the results you want from others. Social Styles will help you increase your effectiveness with others.
Social Styles® helps people recognize how their actions and behaviors come across to others, and how to adapt it. Participants learn how to create more effective actions and communication to build better working relationships.
Social Styles® was created by TRACOM. Dr. David Merrill and Roger Reid. developed the original Social Styles Model. They also developed the seminar Producing Results with Others.® There are many imitations of the Model over the years, but the reliability and validity of the TRACOM instrument stand the test of time. It has helped more people to understand how they come across to other people – and what to do to change.
Social Styles® looks at two dimensions of behavior – assertiveness, and responsiveness. Each of these behavioral characteristics can be visualized as a continuum. Assertiveness ranges from low assertiveness to high assertiveness. Responsiveness measures how much you show your feelings. At one end of the continuum, people emote - they show their feelings. At the opposite end of the continuum people control - they don't reveal their feelings.
By combining the two dimensions, the Social Styles Model creates four unique behavioral characteristics – Driver, Expressive, Amiable, and Analytical. While no style is better than others, almost everyone uses one of the four basic social styles more frequently than the other styles.

The Dimension that Distinguishes Social Styles® from the Others
Some imitations of Social Styles® do not even include the most important dimension of the Model – Versatility. Studies unequivocally prove that people with low Versatility are not as effective as managers, team members, or salespeople, compared to others with high versatility. Unfortunately, only 25% of the population has high Versatility. And most people have no idea how they are perceived by others. We all have our preferred style, which is the one we are most comfortable with, that’s been shaped by our environment and experiences. When we meet others unlike ourselves our natural tendency is to not adapt but to operate in the style we prefer or are most comfortable with, i.e. we have low Versatility.
Several options are available to experience Social Styles®e. We provide workshops facilitated by our certified and experienced instructors onsite. We have many programs that teach the Social Styles concept ranging from a 1/2 day workshop to a two-day seminar. You can also purchase program materials to administer your Social Style program in-house.
Why Professional Learning Systems?
- One of the key differences of Professional Learning Systems is that discuss follow-up and coaching at the onset of our business relationship. This helps you to get a better ROI from your investment.
- We customize our training around your organization, including your markets, customers, and products. Custom Training helps participants learn more - faster. They quickly apply knowledge and skills to their job.
- Our instructors are certified by Tracom. All have significant business experience with outstanding reputations as facilitators. You will get a highly-rated outcome.
- You work with the same person starting with the initial discussions, during the seminar, and after the program. You are not passed off to someone else to take you to the next step.
- We provide our clients value-added services such as customization, executive and versatility coaching, and follow-up sessions often for no extra charge.
- We have been affiliated with TRACOM since 1989. Learn more about their capabilities and experience. Watch this video.
For more information call us at (513)772-5115 or contact us.
Professional Learning Systems, LLC is an authorized and certified associate of Tracom.
Social Style, Producing Results with Others, Selling to Achieve Results, are service marks of the TRACOM corporation.