Social Style for Sales - A Virtual Learning Program

Why Sit at a Seminar? You Can Get Social Styles - Faster, Cheaper, and More Effectively.

Social Style Social Style for Sales is a four-week program designed to help salespeople and their managers increase their sales or managerial effectiveness. It's done virtually by combining online learning with executive coaching. It's a contemporary alternative to costly training seminars. This program will get a better ROI when you consider the cost of the workshop, travel, time off-the-job, and lost sales time. This program is ideal for salespeople and managers, and others who -

Here is how Social Style for Sales Program works:

  1. Social Style CoachingYou meet online with a certified executive coach to learn about the process, set your goals and expectations, This is done on Zoom or similar platform. If you are a salesperson, the program is tailored to help you sell to others. If you are a sales manager, your coach will help you become more effective with your team. All exercises and discussions are in your environment.
  2. Complete an online self-assessment to identify your Social Style.
  3. Your then you ask 5-10 others (boss, colleagues, and customers) to complete a similar online questionnaire. They confidentially and anonymously assess your Social Style behaviors and versatility. This online mlti-rater 360° assessment pinpoints your Social Style and also measures your Versatility.You get a summary report from your coach at your next meeting..
  4. Take the Online course - Social Style OnDemand+ which will teach you The Social Style Model. The online program takes 3-4 hours to complete at your own pace. It's highly interactive using videos, case studies, and online exercises.
  5. Meet with your sales coach, who is a Social Style expert with sales, management, and training experience. He/she helps you debrief your Social Style report.. You discuss your style strengths and weaknesses then create a plan to increase your effectiveness with prospects, customers or your team. You also discuss an assignment to apply Social Style in the field for the next week.
  6. Every week you and your coach discuss your use of Social Styles with customers or others..
  7. At your final coaching session, you create a follow-up development plan. Ideally, your manager will join you on the call to listen and help.


Your Investment is About the Cost of a Seminar

social style coachingThe cost is $1195* per participant, which includes:

* Call for special pricing through 9/30/2022. Mention code SS4S to save 40%. We take credit cards over the phone and will schedule your first session with your coach. Availaible for one person from one company, piloting this program for possible use within their company.


Here are the benefits . . .

Your Coach - a Strong Business and Sales Background

veverkaRob VeVerka is an  accomplished executive sales coach.  Previously Director of Executive Education at the University of Cincinnati, where he worked with executives to improve their leadership skills. Rob started his career with Xerox and was rookie of the year in his first year selling. He trained salespeople and managers at Xerox University in Leesburg. Rob has an MBA and has held sales and marketing positions at Ford, GE, Xerox, Ernst & Young, and the University of Cincinnati.

For more information or to sign up - call Rob directly at 513-772-5115.



Professional Learning Systems, LLC is an authorized and certified associate of Tracom. Social Style, Producing Results with Others are service marks of the TRACOM corporation.